Announcement: We're Adding More Classes!
Hey improv enthusiasts!
I'm thrilled to share some exciting news about our Level 1A: Introduction to Improv classes at The Rozzie Square Theater.
To date, we’ve taught Level 1A: Begining Improv to 250+ students and over 2,600 students in our most popular class, The Free Drop-In - we want to make sure that as many aspiring improvisers as possible get the chance to join our fantastic community. So what else is there to do to accommodate the growing interest and demand for our Level 1A classes than announce that….drumroll:
In addition to our regular Wednesday night series, we're now offering beginning improv on Monday nights.
Level 1, winter 2024 class showcase for friends & family
Yes, you read that right – more opportunities to catch a class that works with your schedule and more opportunities to laugh and work with cool people in the 8 weeks you’ll spend learning the fundamentals of improv. You can read more details about what Level 1A is like here.
The need -to-knows:
The first round of our Monday night Level1A Intro to Improv series will begin March 18th. The full run will be March 18th - May 6th, 7p - 9p, encompassing 7 weeks of instruction + a showcase on the 8th week. Your coach will be veteran improviser, ComedySportzer, and Level 1 co-coach, Zara Barryte. You can sign up for that series here. Spots are limited and first come first serve.
But wait, there's more!
We've got some exciting plans in the pipeline for our Education arm at The Rozzie Square Theater.
As we continue to grow and evolve, in early March we'll be announcing the full vision for Improv Education that provides multiple opportunities to grow your skill levels and interests, whether it’s improv comedy and being on stage, or improv as an applied skill (commonly known as Applied Improv).
Get ready for an array of classes designed to inspire, challenge, and of course, laugh.
So mark your calendars, check your schedules, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey of improv exploration. Join us on Mondays or Wednesdays for Level 1A, and stay tuned for more details on the exciting educational opportunities we have in store.
If you have any questions, send an email to and let us know how we can support you!
See you soon!
Level 1A, winter 2024 class