Code of Conduct
For Performers & Teachers
last updated November 2021
The Rozzie Square Theater is committed to its mission of building community through comedy.
We use improvisation to enrich, empower, and entertain our audiences. As a theater owned and managed by CSz Boston, a CSz Worldwide company, we also strive to have every interaction model the CSz Worldwide values of collaboration, inspiration, gratitude, and fun. We genuinely believe that a safe and diverse environment leads to more creativity and better teamwork.
We also know that as a comedy theater, an attempt to prohibit the telling of jokes with lewd content or to ban the use of innuendo or friendly teasing is not only unrealistic but also undesirable. Because our environment is not like that of an office, the community members must use common sense, empathy, and respect, in an earnest effort to determine the comfort level of the people around them before engaging in behaviors that could potentially be considered harassment or bullying.
Many performers might consider themselves to have a “tough skin” and to be expected to “just deal with” situations that might make them uncomfortable. However, the very nature of being a performer means that you are also often at your most vulnerable before, during, and after performances. We ask that during your interactions and performances, you remember this and continually strive to make sure others know you’ve “got their back.”
Who This Policy Applies to
This policy applies to all company performers, volunteers, guest performers, coaches, guest coaches, applicants for employment, all performers including but not limited to, independent contractors, corporate officers and any other person associated with The Rozzie Square Theater, including business partners, participants, and visitors. It applies not only to the theater during normal business hours, but also to all theater-related social functions, whether on or off the company premises, and business-related travel.
The Rozzie Square Theater prohibits discrimination or harassment of its community members by any other community member, for reasons including, but not limited to, a person’s race, creed, color, religion, sex, age, ancestry, national origin, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, political beliefs, gender identity, marital status, and any other characteristic protected by law.
Examples of behaviors that could be considered harassment include, but are not limited to the following:
Intimidation, sabotaging, physical assaults, or threats
Slurs, epithets, or name-calling
Posting offensive messages on social media sites
Unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, or propositions
Leering, staring, unwelcome touching or physical closeness
Using company-provided electronic devices (including computers and cellphones) to view, display, or distribute pornography or other offensive content.
Any other unwelcome or unsolicited behavior including sexual or offensive jokes, messages, images, insults, ridicule or mockery, told by any means (in person, computer, cell phone, etc.)
Conduct with Minors
All community members associated with The Rozzie Square Theater shall refrain from private, one-to-one communications with minor students, minor audience members, or any other minor associated with The Rozzie Square Theater who is not a member of their family, except and unless necessitated by communication required by The Rozzie Square Theater for the purposes of work. The Rozzie Square Theater community members and minor(s) shall interact in public spaces, otherwise they may only interact when monitored by at least one other adult (follow the rule of three).
Conduct with Current Adult Students
Consensual Relationships Between Faculty and Adult Students
It is against The Rozzie Square Theater policy for students and instructors to enter and/or engage in romantic and/or sexual relationships with one another while the instructor is teaching the student in a class and/or supervising the student’s work. If a relationship has been established prior to the student’s enrollment in the class (marriage, domestic partnership, etc) the leadership of The Rozzie Square Theater must be made aware prior to enrollment in the class.
Consensual romantic and/or sexual relationships between instructors and students not enrolled in a class the instructor is teaching, while not forbidden, generally are considered unwise and inappropriate. Please note that even where both parties have consented at the outset to a romantic and/or sexual involvement, such consent does not preclude a subsequent charge of sexual harassment against the instructor. The nature of the instructor/student relationship is one that relies on an imbalance of power, which is why we advise to use caution or refrain from engaging in relationships of a romantic or sexual nature in any situation where a power imbalance exists.
In order to support the creation of a positive and professional culture, you must also abide by the following policies.
Honor the commitments that you have made to this theater.
Respect and honor the diversity and culture of our audiences, performers, staff, and all persons in our theater.
Be on time for all commitments. Inform your designated person in charge if you will be late before your call time.
Do not move or take anyone’s belongings, including personal items or props for other shows, without their knowledge and consent.
Be respectful of the theater space. Help keep the theater and Green Room appearance clean and professional. Pick up and clean up after yourself before leaving the premises.
No drugs or alcohol may be consumed for at least 4 hours leading up to a performance. If you are visibly intoxicated you will be asked to leave.
Be respectful of other members of The Rozzie Square Theater, both within the theater and out of the theater. This includes refraining from inappropriate and offensive language, making derogatory comments, violating the person or space of another individual, or engaging in aggressive or harassing behavior in person or via telecommunications and social media.
Directors and Producers: You are responsible for your cast and performance. Make sure everyone is familiar and comfortable with each other’s limits before the show, and that everyone shares the same vision for the work.
Being Part of the Audience: Be a good audience member. Let non-improvisers give suggestions. Don’t heckle. Don’t get over-intoxicated. Don’t leave in the middle. Enjoy the show. Sit in the audience.
By appearing in The Rozzie Square Theater performances, events, classes, and workshops, you consent to the use of your image for marketing and promotional purposes as long as they are an active member of the theater. If no longer an active member of the theater, images may still be used by The Rozzie Square Theater unless otherwise requested in writing by the performer.