The Rozzie Square Theater Unveils New Vision for Improv Education - Kristen Aldrich Named Education Director to Lead Expanded Program
Applied Improv, ComedySportz Courtney Pong Applied Improv, ComedySportz Courtney Pong

The Rozzie Square Theater Unveils New Vision for Improv Education - Kristen Aldrich Named Education Director to Lead Expanded Program

August 14, 2024, Boston, MA — The Rozzie Square Theater, a cornerstone of Boston’s improv scene, is announcing a new vision for its Improv Training Center and curriculum. With a renewed focus on holistic, comprehensive learning, and a concerted expansion into real-world application, The Rozzie Square Theater aims to redefine the way improvisation is taught and experienced in the community and city of Boston.

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Improv Jam + Hangout 4.5.24
Improv Activities Courtney Pong Improv Activities Courtney Pong

Improv Jam + Hangout 4.5.24

It’s another monthly installment of Improv Jam + Hangout , and we’re jumping into the fake spring with vigor.

This Friday’s Improv Jam + Hangout was run by ComedySportz performer and Rozzie Square Theater coach Kristen Aldrich. We welcomed a mix of current students, recent students, friendly faces, and brand-new people we’ve NEVER MET BEFORE. Which is t h r i l l i n g! 🎉

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